How To Get Rid Of Ants In Closet? (6 Potent Ways)

Ants in Closet

One fine day, you open your closet to see an army of ants creeping all over your closet. Oh Gosh! You are equally shocked and frightened by that view. You immediately shut your closet and move away, your Anxiety racing to its highest point.

You may think of ways to rid of ants in the closet. Before you act desperately and implement the wrong ways to get rid of the ants, herewith are some tips from experts to help you remove those with tried and tested methods.  

You can get rid of the ants in your closet quickly and keep yourself unharmed by following our tips.

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Closet?

Removing ants from your closet may be daunting if you don’t do it appropriately. Some methodologies you use might harm your clothes or wardrobe, such as using ant or insecticide sprays in your closet and clothes.

The hazardous chemicals from these sprays may be trapped in your clothes, leading to another problem shortly. We recommend taking the help of a professional if spraying is the only option remaining to remove the ants.

Ant Baits

Using beautiful things to lure anyone out of the den is an old trick, tried and proven to work well with ants. You can use the same trick by using ant bait to remove them from your closets or wardrobes.

  • Buy pre-mixed ant baits.
  • There are many options available for ant baits in the market. Purchase an ant-bait solution that attracts the ants to the bait pod and carries some bait solutions to their nest.
  • The sweetness of the bait solution attracts the ants, which is poisonous for them. It attacks the digestive system of the ants, eventually killing them. The effect is comparatively slow but sure and effectively kills all the ants. 
  • Some ant baits also come in syringe form, which you can apply in crunchy spaces, and work faster than the ant bait solution. Some are in the form of glue-like substances, attracting the ants and feeding them the poison from the glue.

How to Get Rid of Ants in The Closet Naturally?

1. Use Boric Acid

Boric acid is widely available and is hazardous to ants. Mix boric acid with honey or sugary syrup and place it in ant-infested areas, easily noticeable to your eyes. The ants will fall for this mixture as an excellent food source and carry it to store in their nest. 

Boric acid will slowly suffocate the ants to kill them, helping you eliminate ants from your closet.

boric acid powder

2. Cinnamon

Sprinkling cinnamon powder or placing cinnamon sticks near entry points can repel ants. The strong scent disrupts their scent trails.

It’s important to note that ants have different species and preferences, and their response to cinnamon may vary. The smell or taste of cinnamon may deter some ants, while others may not be affected at all. Therefore, relying solely on cinnamon as an ant repellent may not provide reliable results.

Related: Do ants like cinnamon?


3. Vinegar

Mixing equal parts of vinegar and water and spraying it along ant trails, entry points, or affected areas can deter ants. The strong odor masks their scent trails.

Vinegar contains acetic acid, which gives it its distinctive smell and taste. Some ants may be deterred by the strong odor of vinegar and avoid areas treated with it. However, vinegar is not a long-lasting solution and may need to be reapplied frequently to maintain its repellent effect.

It’s important to note that vinegar may not be effective against all ant species. Some ants, particularly those attracted to sweet or protein-based foods, may not be deterred by vinegar.

white vinegar bottle

4. Essential Oils

Certain essential oils, like peppermint, tea tree, or eucalyptus oil, can be diluted with water and sprayed to create a natural ant-repellent. These oils have strong scents that ants dislike.

To use essential oils as ant repellents, mix a few drops of the oil with water and spray it in areas where ants are present or along ant trails. Alternatively, you can soak cotton balls with the oil and place them near entry points or in areas frequented by ants.

tea tree essential oil

5. Keep Vacuuming Your Closet

If you notice considerable ants swarming your closet, it’s time to use your vacuum cleaner. Using a vacuum cleaner on ants will suck and kill most of them, while others will run helter-skelter with the high decibel noise and the pressure it creates.

After vacuuming, you will need to clean the closet with appropriate cleaning solutions to wipe out the pheromones emanated by the ants. It will keep other ants away in the future, which might get attracted to the smell of pheromones from earlier ants.

man vacuuming closet

How to Prevent Ants From Entering Your Closet?

1. Regularly Clean Your Closet

Ants relentlessly seek food and are attracted to sweet and sour odors, taking them as a rich food source. They are hard workers and don’t tire until they accomplish their tasks.

That’s why it’s advisable to keep cleaning your home along with closets or wardrobes frequently. Avoid stocking used clothes in your closet, as they may have some sugary substance spilled over or your dried sweat, which attracts the ants.

You often forget to remove some leftover packets of sugar or gum from your garments. In addition, ensure your closet doesn’t have spilled food or liquid that attracts ants to it.

Wipe the surfaces with soapy water, as ants hate the smell of soaps/detergents.

2. Ant-Proof Containers

Using ant-proof containers is an effective way to safeguard your belongings and prevent ants from accessing them. Here are some options:

  • Airtight Containers: Store food items or any substances that might attract ants in airtight containers with secure lids. These containers prevent ants from accessing the contents.
  • Sealable Bags: Use sealable bags, such as ziplock bags, to store smaller items susceptible to ant infestation. Ensure the bags are tightly sealed.
  • Metal Canisters: Use metal canisters with secure lids to store pantry items.

3. Keep Your Closet Moisture Free

Ants are attracted to moist areas, as fungi and bacteria prevail in such locations. Ensure the area around and inside your closet is dry, without any moisture.

Never hang your sweaty garments in the closet. Stack up your washed clothes only when they are dried.

4. Fix All The Cracks in The Closet

Look for any cracks in your closet and seal them as early as possible to prevent moisture and ants from entering. A small gap enables ants to penetrate and live in the closet.

  • Identify Entry Points: Carefully inspect the closet and surrounding areas to locate any cracks, gaps, or openings through which ants might be entering.
  • Caulk or Sealant: Use a high-quality caulk or sealant appropriate for the material of the closet (e.g., silicone caulk for smooth surfaces) to fill in cracks and gaps. Ensure a tight seal to prevent ants from finding their way inside.
  • Weatherstripping: Install weatherstripping around the edges of doors and windows to seal gaps and prevent ants from entering these openings.
  • Door Sweeps: Attach door sweeps to the bottom of the closet door to close the gap between the door and the floor, minimizing entry points for ants.

5. Regular Monitoring

Regular monitoring is crucial in preventing ant infestations and detecting any signs of ant activity. Here’s how to effectively monitor and identify ant presence:

  • Visual Inspection: Regularly inspect your closet and surrounding areas for signs of ant trails, nests, or entry points. Look for small piles of dirt or debris near cracks or gaps, which could indicate ant activity.
  • Bait Stations: Place ant bait stations strategically in your closet and observe if ants are attracted to them. This can help indicate if an ant infestation requires further action.
  • Keep Records: Maintain a log of any ant sightings or activities observed during monitoring. This can help identify patterns, understand the extent of the problem, and guide future prevention measures.

Dead cockroaches can attract ants in closets. To know more, read: How To Prevent Cockroaches In Clothes And Wardrobes

Why Are Ants Infesting Your Closet?

Ants delve into your closet simply because they find it a path with minimum intervention while passing from one point to another. Your closet may be between their way, which they choose as a no-disturbed and silenced zone, helping them to work with minimum disturbance.

One thing that you must check is whether there’s a crack behind your wardrobe or closet. That may be the entry point found by the ants, and that’s why they have inhabited your closet. It would be best to seal the crack or holes immediately to block the entry of ants and other contaminants as early as possible.

If you notice ants sticking to your clothes, it is due to some sugary juice spilled over your garment that has remained unwashed in the closet. Removing that specific garment and cleaning it is the only option that stays with you to keep the ants away.

Wondering why ants are attracted to your clean clothes? You must read: Why Are Ants Attracted To Clean Clothes

  • What causes ants in a closet?

    A crack or hole at the back of your closet may be why ants enter your closet from there. In addition, if you have uncleaned garments stacked in your closet, they may attract ants due to their sugary or salty odor.
    Another reason may be moisture in the area surrounding or inside the closet.

  • How do I get rid of ants ASAP?

    The fastest way to get rid of ants is to use ants bait in syringe forms and vacuum the infected area regularly.

  • What smells do ants hate?

    Ants don’t like strong smells of lavender, eucalyptus, and mint.


Ant baits are a tried and tested method to remove ants from the closet. You can create the bait yourself with boric acid, honey, or sugary liquid, or many ready-to-use ant baits are available in the market.

Avoid using sprays or insecticides in the closet, as the hazardous chemicals may remain in your garments for a long time, giving rise to other health problems. Always call for professional help whenever spraying is the only remaining option to eliminate the ants.

Cleaning your closet and home regularly is the best way to keep ants and other contaminants away.

Wondering what other insects can eat holes in your clothes? If yes, then you must read: Bugs That Eat Clothes

Related: Do ants like coffee grounds?